
Wise Lifestyle HyperSound Technology
In field tests performed on plant and animal life forms within the agricultural world, exposure to our HyperSound field consistently demonstrated better overall health and functioning, more yield, naturally occurring faster growth rates, decreased mortality rates, and significantly less need for the use of antibiotics and pesticides. In addition to these objective/scientific measurements, we also noticed something else that is worth mentioning. In our perception, and in that of our collaborators and pioneers, the ‘happiness factor’ of animals seems to consistently increase as a result of their exposure to HyperSound technology.
Providing evidence
Other than the measurable positive effects of HyperSound technology, there is still not enough scientific evidence available to prove its existence. It appears that mainstream science is either unable or unwilling to fully explain/disclose/admit the scientific nature of this phenomenon. Hence the need for empirical evidence. This Website provides an overview of the results that were gathered during a variety of field studies. Most of the studies in the past were done without using proper scientific techniques. With the birth of the Wise Lifestyle collaboration in 2019, this will be a thing of the past. New professional testing facilities have been set up to provide the world with irrefutable evidence on the effects of Wise Lifestyle HyperSound Technology.
Test Plots - Corn
2020 and 2021 Results
Organically Grown Corn Demonstration Plot for HyperSound Technology – Seed Treatment
Good Family Farms
Meaford, Ontario, Canada

Test Plot - 2020
Planted: May 22, 2020
Harvested: October 28, 2020
Variety: Pioneer 9330
Planting Rate: 32000
Plot Size: .461 acre
Replications: 2
Control – no Treatment
Moisture: 21.4%
Dry BU/Acre: 185.5 Bu
HyperSound Treated Seed
Moisture: 20.9 %
Dry BU/Acre: 206.1 Bu
+ 20.6 Bu
Increase in yield: 10%
Test Plot - 2021
Planted: May 14, 2021
Harvested: November 5, 2021
Variety: Pioneer 9188
Planting Rate: 32000
Plot Size: .413 acre
Replications: 2
Control – no Treatment
Moisture: 23.3%
Dry BU/Acre: 171.4 Bu
HyperSound Treated Seed
Moisture: 21.0%
Dry BU/Acre: 209.0 Bu
+ 37.6 Bu
Increase in yield: 18%
Various Farms – Results 2022
Norwich Ontario
2 Plots: 1 - Organic and 1- conventional plot
Average increase in yield +38.5 bu/acre
St Joachim Ontario
3 Organic corn plots
Average increase in yield +11 bu/acre
Meaford Ontario
2 Organic corn plots
Average increase in yield +7.5 bu/acre
Chatham Ontario
1 Conventional – non GMO plot
Average increase in yield +7 bu/acre
Chatham Ontario
1 Conventional GMO plot
Average increase in yield +4.6 bu/acre
Maroa Illinois
3 Plots: 1 Organic plot. 2 conventional plots
Average increase in yield +2.3 bu/acre
Weighted Average +12 bu/acre average response

Test Plot 2022 - Potatos
Location: Everett, Ontario
1500 lbs of SP327 whole B size potato seed was treated on May 27, 2022.
1500 lbs of SP327 whole B size potato seed was left untreated and stored separately.
On May 30, 2022, the planter was cleaned out and the untreated seed was loaded into the planter and approximately 0.5 acres was planted in a 6 row (18 foot) width.
The planter was then cleaned out and the treated seed was loaded into the planter and approximately 0.5 acres was planted in a 6 row (18 foot width) beside the treated strip.
The same fertility, irrigation and pest control methods were used on each treatment. The crop was certified as organic.
There was no visible difference between the two treatments as the crop grew.
In mid-August, when the crop was almost fully mature, both treated and untreated areas were infected with late blight with similar severity and subsequently the foliage died at similar rates.
On October 5,2022, 4 rows from each treatment were windrowed into the field and three side by side comparisons that were each 10 feet long were hand harvested and weighed.
Calculated Result of charging potatos with HyperSound technology:
- 19.2% aveage totol increase
- 3963,33 lbs average total increase
Test Location East
Weight (lbs) from 10 ft x 12 ft
Treated: 59,0
Untreated: 46,2
Weight (lbs) to 1 acre
Treated: 21417,0
Untreated: 16770,6
Difference: 4646,4
Weight (cwt) from 1 acre
Treated: 214,2
Untreated: 167,7
Difference: 27,7%
Test Location Middle
Weight (lbs) from 10 ft x 12 ft
Treated: 59,8
Untreated: 53,4
Weight (lbs) to 1 acre
Treated: 21707,4
Untreated: 19384,2
Difference: 3303,0
Weight (cwt) from 1 acre
Treated: 217,1
Untreated: 193,8
Difference: 12,0%
Test Location West
Weight (lbs) from 10 ft x 12 ft
Treated: 71,0
Untreated: 60,2
Weight (lbs) to 1 acre
Treated: 25773,0
Untreated: 21852,6
Difference: 3921,0
Weight (cwt) from 1 acre
Treated: 257,7
Untreated: 218,5
Difference: 17,9%
Calculated Marketable Result of charging potatos with HyperSound technology:
- 29.5% aveage totol increase
- 4380,2 lbs average total increase
Test Location East
Weight (lbs) from 10 ft x 12 ft
Treated: 59,0
Untreated: 46,2
Weight (lbs) to 1 acre
Treated: 18004,8
Untreated: 12850,2
Difference: 5154,6
Weight (cwt) from 1 acre
Treated: 180,0
Untreated: 128,5
Difference: 40,1%
Test Location Middle
Weight (lbs) from 10 ft x 12 ft
Treated: 59,8
Untreated: 53,4
Weight (lbs) to 1 acre
Treated: 18295,2
Untreated: 14810,4
Difference: 3484,8
Weight (cwt) from 1 acre
Treated: 183,0
Untreated: 148,1
Difference: 23,5%
Test Location West
Weight (lbs) from 10 ft x 12 ft
Treated: 71,0
Untreated: 60,2
Weight (lbs) to 1 acre
Treated: 22506,0
Untreated: 18004,8
Difference: 4501,2
Weight (cwt) from 1 acre
Treated: 225,1
Untreated: 180,0
Difference: 25,0%
Test Plot - Milk Cattle
Location: Wise Lifestyle farms and greenhouses in Germany
Test on milk cattle, and the effects of HyperSound treated drinking water on milk production, milk quality and overall animal health.
Result after charging drinking water with HyperSound technology:
- 14.39% increase in milk production
- 13.49% more fat and
- 17.33% more protein more output in productivity
- The cows appeared more lively and healthy and their hides were shinier
- The farmer reported significantly less disease, requiring significantly less antibiotic usage

Average values Oct. 2015 - Sept. 2016
per cow: Control phase tap water
Total milk: 6526 kg
Fat-kg: 263.1 kg
Protein-kg: 214.6 kg
Average values Oct. 2016 - Sept. 2017
per cow: HyperSound charged water
Total milk: 7465 kg
Fat-kg: 298.6 kg
Protein-kg: 251.8 kg

Test Plots - Oat-Pea Mixture
Location: Wise Lifestyle farms and greenhouses in Germany
In 2019 Wise Lifestyle treated an oat-pea seed mixture and the fertilizer (cow manure) with HyperSound
technology, to increase plant growth and yield. This crop is typically used for biogas plants.
The laboratory test (LUFA) showed:
The dehydrated substance was 36.6%
The average in Germany is 20-25%
Because of these increased values there can
be achieved an increase of up to 30% in the
production of biogas with the same harvest

Test Plots - Mushroom Production
Whitecrest Mushrooms LTD is currently testing Wise Lifestyle HyperSound Technology, a device which enhances water quality in mushroom production, and as a result, increases yield, reduces disease, and improves the quality of mushrooms. Testing started in June of 2019, at which time we installed the HyperSound device as a recirculation-style treatment system. This allowed us to circulate the water through the device, and in this way, adjust the time the water was exposed to the HyperSound frequency. Initially, the water was passed through the HyperSound device at 230 liters per minute (L/m) for eight minutes per hour. This water was irrigated on the crop from day zero through the final steaming-off after harvesting. The rest of the growing process was kept at normal practices for the entire crop, allowing us to test the HyperSound charged water as the only variable.
As we cycled through our six week rotation, we increased the exposure time of the water to the HyperSound frequency. By December 2019, exposure had been increased to 40 minutes per hour.

Once a full cycle of water was exposed to the HyperSound frequency, we noticed a reduction in the number of lower quality mushrooms (#2s). The average over the trial was a 21% reduction in #2s. In terms of disease reduction, there was no wet bubble disease or dog vomit slime mold, although some green mold was still observed.
Another positive effect of using the HyperSound device was the reduced clogging of nozzles on our underbed watering. And as an unexpected surprise, our employees commented that the facility had a better feel to it, prompting them to ask what was different.
Yield Results
- Our average yield for 2018 was 16,993kg per square meter (m2).
- Our average yield for 2019 was 16,719kg per m2 (from Jan. to July1, 2019).
- Average yield prior to Wise Lifestyle HyperSound was 16,856kg per m2.
With Wise Lifestyle HyperSound Technology, our average yield for 2019 was 18,200kg per m2.
From July 1, 2019 to October 31, 2019 we had a yield increase of 7.8%!
Use of the HyperSound Technology increased our yield beyond our expectations, giving us a significant return on investment. Testing is ongoing and we are quantifying the results for every cycle to broaden our data.
The Future
We are currently in the process of having a customized HyperSound device built to treat the compost as it goes into the room at filling. We will write another article on the results of that trial in the second quarter of Mushroom World.