The Science Behind


- The Sciene -

What Is Hypersound Technology?

Hypersound technology is a scalar wave technology. The hypersound/scalar wave frequencies are those in the higher Terahertz ranges of the spectrum of elastic waves (going up from 109 to 1028 Hz and even higher). Positioned above the frequencies of ultrasound, they are termed hypersound. The physical nature of hypersound is no different from that of ultrasound, which has frequency ranges from 2 x 104 to 109 Hz. However, due to the higher frequencies (and therefore shorter wavelengths) of hypersound as compared to ultrasound frequencies, the interaction between hypersound and the quasiparticles of the specific medium, such as electrons, phonons, and magnons, becomes considerably more important. It is in the interactions between hypersound and the medium where the effects of our technology can be found.

Electromagnetic Disturbances
and Their Effect on Matter and Living Organisms

Electromagnetic Disturbances and Their Effect on Matter and Living Organisms
For many decades, available research results have shown that the natural electrical and magnetic fields and their variation are a vital precondition for the orientation and navigation of a whole range of animals. What has also been known to science for many decades is that we as humans depend on this natural environment for many of our vital functions, as well as cell metabolism.

Over the past few decades, however, this ‘natural information’ innate in any functional system or organism which is considered ‘alive,’ be it human, animal or plant life forms, has been inundated and infringed upon by an unprecedented dense, energetic mesh of artificial magnetic, electrical and electromagnetic fields, generated by numerous mobile radio and wireless communication technologies, among many other such technologies that disturb the energy field.

The consequences of this development have been predicted for many decades and can now no longer be ignored. Bees and other insects are disappearing, birds avoid certain areas and are disoriented in other locations. Humans seem to suffer from functional disorders, both physical and mental, and chronic diseases are gradually increasing at an unprecedented rate as compared to 100 years ago, or even only 30 years ago. Hereditary chronic diseases can be passed on to the next generation as pre-existing defects. After 10 years of research on electromagnetic disturbances, the Wise Lifestyle research and development team has developed a solution to counter the negative effects that are mentioned above.
It is called the Quantum Field Generator.

The Wise Lifestyle Quantum Field Generator

Our Quantum Field Generator uses Femtosecond Laser Technology and has the ability to irreversibly change and optimize the atomic structure (lattice) of crystalline matter such as certain metals and crystallized silicon dioxide. After we imprint such a material, it starts emitting HyperSound frequencies and will strongly influence its direct environment and neutralize existing electromagnetic disturbances. Additionally an indirect environment can be reached by treating carriers such as water, fertilizer or even air.
This results in a remarkable optimization of the functions of any living organism exposed to its field, by ‘realigning’ the cells on a molecular level. This brings any living organism back to its most optimal, ‘as nature intended’ electromagnetic, atomic and chemical condition. Consequently, this greatly improves the chemical and biological processes within the organism, making it simply healthier and more functional all around, thus enhancing its ability to perform its desired biological tasks in harmonious and vital ways.
In very common terms we could simply claim that any organism that is placed within the field emitted by one of our imprinted devices significantly gains in overall ‘aliveness’ or ‘vitality’. In other terminology, we could simplify all of this by stating that our technology greatly increases the vibration or frequency of any material exposed to an hypersound field. This includes, of course, the human body and all of its complex chemical and electromagnetic functioning and cell to cell communication.

Physical explanation

HyperSound and Phonons

A phonon is a unit of vibrational energy that arises from oscillating atoms within a crystal lattice (atomic structure). Any solid crystal, such as ordinary table salt (sodium chloride), consists of atoms bound into a lattice.
Because the atoms behave as if they are connected by tiny ‘springs’, their own thermal energy or outside forces make the lattice vibrate. This generates mechanical waves that carry information through the material. A packet of these waves can travel throughout the crystal with a definite energy and momentum, so in quantum mechanical terms, the waves can be treated as a particle, called a phonon. A phonon is a definite discrete unit or quantum of vibrational mechanical energy, just as a photon is a quantum of electromagnetic or light energy.

HyperSound Optimization

Quantum systems in organisms are susceptible to a wide range of environmental factors. Hypersound sources which emit a distorted or ‘inorganic’ hypersound frequency lead to ‘energetic noise’ and decoherence, ultimately impacting the energy transfer process in any organism exposed to its field. With Wise Lifestyle HyperSound Technology, phonon interactions are able to enhance the energy transfer. The phonons interact with the organism on a molecular level, dynamically optimizing efficiency and coherence. This results in an effective neutralization of the negative effects upon matter by the distorted or ‘inorganic’ hypersound frequencies, which many of our modern day technologies emit.

What we observed

In field tests performed on plant and animal life forms within the agricultural world, exposure to our HyperSound field consistently demonstrated better overall health and functioning, more yield, naturally occurring faster growth rates, decreased mortality rates, and significantly less need for use of antibiotics and pesticides.
In addition to these objective/scientific measurements, we also noticed something else that is worth mentioning.
In our perception, and in that of our collaborators and pioneers, the ‘happiness factor’ of animals seems to consistently increase as a result of their exposure to HyperSound emitting devices.
Agricultural application is just one category of HyperSound’s measurably beneficial applications. Some of our test results on crops and animals are summarized below:

Effects of HyperSound Technology

  • Increased plant growth
  • Better taste and structure of liquids, fruits and vegetables
  • Increased overall health of plants and animals
  • Structurally improved, healthier-to-consume, and more hydrating water
  • Reduced need for pesticides to produce the same or better results 
  • Reduced need for antibiotics while maintaining the same or better results 
  • Decrease in mortality rate of animals, and presumably (if measured long-term) in humans 
  • Increased energy efficiency in electrical and energy usage and storage applications 
  • Improvement of efficiency in chemical and combustion processes 
  • Generally perceived increase in perception of well-being


  • This article was written to provide awareness and knowledge about the effects of electromagnetic fields on living organisms and how HyperSound Technology can assist in neutralizing them, thereby increasing the overall well-being of living and growing organisms.
  • The existence of hypersound, phonons—and in a way, quantum physics in general—is still partially based on theory derived mostly from witnessing effects, rather than by scientifically proving the existence of the cause of such effects. (Although a big breakthrough was made when scientists at CERN confirmed the existence of the Higgs particle in 2013. Also the CIA recently released a document on scalar waves but blacked out the part about Nicola Tesla’s findings.)
  • Other than the measurable positive effects of hypersound technology, there is still no real scientific proof available to prove its existence. It appears that mainstream science is either unable or unwilling to fully explain/disclose/admit the scientific nature of this phenomenon. Nevertheless, it constitutes the mathematical framework of many fields of physics and chemistry, including condensed matter physics, solid-state physics, atomic physics, molecular physics, computational physics, computational chemistry, quantum chemistry, particle physics, nuclear chemistry, and nuclear physics.
  • Our team is currently in the process of developing a device that can actually measure hypersound waves. We are also gathering results from field studies on the effects of the hypersound phenomenon. Our empirical evidence does not prove the existence of hypersound, phonons or any quantum mechanical principle, but solely documents the effects of our hypersound-based technology

Resources and Reading Suggestions

  • Vacuum Phonon Tunneling: Igor Altfeder, Andrey A. Voevodin, and Ajit K. Roy, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 166101 – Published 11 October 2010
  • Atasoy H.I. et al., 2013. Immunohistopathologic demonstration of deleterious effects on growing rat testes of radiofrequency waves emitted from conventional Wi-Fi devices. Journal of Pediatric Urology 9(2): 223-229.
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  • Aynali G. et al., 2013. Modulation of wireless (2.45 GHz)-induced oxidative toxicity in laryngotracheal mucosa of rat by melatonin. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 270(5): 1695-1700.
  • Gumral N. et al., 2009. Effects of selenium and L-carnitine on oxidative stress in blood of rat induced by 2.45-GHz radiation from wireless devices. Biol Trace Elem Res. 132(1-3): 153-163.
  • Havas M. et al., 2010. Provocation study using heart rate variability shows microwave radiation from 2.4GHz cordless phone affects autonomic nervous system. European Journal of Oncology Library Vol. 5: 273-300.  part 2.
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  • Maganioti A. E. et al., 2010. Wi-Fi electromagnetic fields exert gender related alterations on EEG. 6th International Workshop on Biological Effects of Electromagnetic fields.
  • Margaritis L.H. et al., 2013. Drosophila oogenesis as a bio-marker responding to EMF sources.Electromagn Biol Med., Epub ahead of print.
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  • Nazıroğlu M. et al., 2012. 2.45-Gz wireless devices induce oxidative stress and proliferation through cytosolic Ca2+ influx in human leukemia cancer cells. International Journal of Radiation Biology 88(6): 449–456.
  • Nazıroğlu M. et al., 2012b. Melatonin modulates wireless (2.45 GHz)-induced oxidative injury through TRPM2 and voltage gated Ca(2+) channels in brain and dorsal root ganglion in rat. Physiol Behav. 105(3): 683-92.
  • Oksay T. et al., 2012. Protective effects of melatonin against oxidative injury in rat testis induced by wireless (2.45 GHz) devices. Andrologia doi: 10.1111/and.12044, Epub ahead of print.
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